Saturday, September 02, 2006


This morning I was lucky to find a pair of Blue-tongued lizards in our garden in an amorous embrace.
The larger stumpy-tailed one (under) is the female who has lived around our house for many years. Her paramour was noticably smaller than her (most of her tail is missing), who gently had hold of her neck in his jaw then swung his tail around and completed their union. The whole time he was caressing her body gently with his right front foot, and after they had finished they lay quietly next to one another in the sun. Ain't love grand!


Duncan said...

Love the bluetongue pictures Cathy. Over in the west some years ago I photographed a normal male with a near albino female, talk about gentlemen preferring blondes, puts a whole new spin on it!

Ranger Cathy Mardell said...

Very funny Duncan! Thanks