Saturday, August 19, 2006

Spring in Winter

See Mum incubating here....

Every moment, everywhere around the evidence of spring is undeniable!
Blossoms in the garden, needing to kick the doona off in the middle of the night and nesting birds!
Our resident Brush Wattlebirds are at it again...
this time they've selected the Staghorn fern hanging on the back verandah as their nest site.
Our noisy dogs sit resting directly under them.
Nest building began in earnest about a week ago, so I checked progress this morning and there are 2 perfect eggs being carefully incubated by Mum!


Duncan said...

Noticed a Red Wattlebird collecting nesting material in the garden yesterday, things are certainly moving.

Ranger Cathy Mardell said...

It was 26 degrees in Brisbane today - even I'm jealous but you're right Duncan, spring is starting to squeak!