Saturday, April 01, 2006

Daily Visitors

A pair of Green Catbirds visit us at home everyday. You always hear them before you see them. The call is a cross between a cat yowling/meowing and a baby crying.
They're very shy. If they catch anyone looking at them they quickly hop from branch to branch and get out of sight.

The old mirror we hung near the laundry door provides hours of entertainment for both of them. They sit on the shelf under it and check themselves out thoroughly most days. I don't think they see their own reflections as rivals as they just closely examine the reflection, and occasionally touch bills with the 'other bird'.

I've thought about doing a study on the contents of their scats to see what they eat here locally - I have a pile under the mirror that I have to clean up every week.

The strangler fig in our backyard (providing catbird meals) will hopefully equate to years of beautiful pea-green catbirds ahead of us!


harmonyinline said...

Thats a beautiful bird, I'd never seen a picure of one before.

Duncan said...

Great shot of the Catbird!

Ranger Cathy Mardell said...

It is isn't it! It's just not mine...see tonight's post!
Cathy - glowing bright red

wolf21m said...

Amazing photo. Never seen one.